Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Got Back

Last night was my torture session with Jason.  My entire body is sore, but mostly I am sore from doing this booty exercise...
Yes, it is much more horrible than it looks.  However, it is effective!  Jason and I also had a discussion about the other things I am required to do for my pageant - eg. interview, evening gown, on stage question - and we decided that I would not be reducing my carbs.  Jason usually trains people for body building and fitness competitions where the contestants do not need to speak.  To prepare for the competition, they cut carbs in the last couple of weeks.  Carbs, however, are essential in brain function.  Since I will have to be speaking to judges throughout the competition, brain function is going to be crucial.  (Oh, um also, I'll still be in law school, so it'd be nice to have a little brain function in class.)
Tonight will be tutoring and a hard workout, then hopefully I can finish The Help - so addicted to this book!

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