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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beer Mug Etching

Recently I worked on some gifts I'm planning and got started on a really easy and cheap beer mug project.  I picked up a couple of glass mugs from the Dollar Tree.

Mustaches are having a moment right now so I decided that I was going to add a mustache to the front of the glass using my Cricut Lite Billionaire Cartridge

 I cut the mustache out of sticky vinyl putting all of my settings at 3 - 3 speed, 3 pressure, and 3 knife.  With these settings, the Cricut will cut only the vinyl and leave the backing uncut.  Peel off the design and you'll  be left with the negative cutout to use as the etching stencil.


Plus the cutout is really fun to play with!
Creepy!  haha The next step is adding your vinyl to the glass.  I lined my up with the top of the mug.  Make sure that the edges around the design are pressed down without any bubbles to be sure that you get a nice clean design with the etching cream.
I used Armour Etch to etch the design onto the glass.
Layer it on really thick.  I put the etching cream onto the glass using paint sponges that I got at the Dollar Tree.  They come in a package of 10 for $1.  I'm sure they could be rinsed and reused, but I just end up tossing them after I'm done since they are so cheap.
Rinse it off after 10 minutes and remove the vinyl stencil.  Use a little glass cleaner to shine it up.
Here's a close up.  I hope they like them!

1 comment:

  1. I have tried several times and the etch is not taking on the glass. I have left the armor etching cream on for the designated amount of time and it doesn't take. Any suggestions?
