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Monday, August 17, 2015

August Stitch Fix

One of my favorite new things to do before a trip is to schedule my Stitch Fix!  I love having awesome new outfits to wear while I'm exploring someplace new.  It's especially helpful if I'm going somewhere that has a different climate than Michigan. 
My husband and I planned a trip for Washington DC in the beginning of August and I knew it would be very hot and humid with a lot of walking and public transportation.  Also, I knew we'd be visiting museums, monuments, government buildings, and fancy restaurants.  So, I needed clothes that would keep me cool and also be cute and classy for our planned activities.
My Stitch Fix stylist came through!  My fix included two dresses, a cross body bag, an adorable polka dot skirt and green blouse.
Here I am with three of my pieces at the Navy Memorial in Washington DC.  I can't wait for my next fix.  You can schedule yours here.