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Friday, April 10, 2015

Outfit Upcycle - Old Tunic to New Skirt

I've been hanging on to this old tunic because I have REALLY wanted to wear it, but, not as a tunic... I bought it shortly after I graduated from undergrad in early 2007.  It is too short to be a dress and too long to be a shirt.  I used to wear it with leggings or skinny jeans.  Now, I feel like the puffy cap sleeves are outdated and too young for me and the neckline is too low cut.  Also, the high waist directly under the bust makes it feel a little maternity to me.

Chuey had to get into this pic, he rarely missed a photo op.  I used my seam ripper to separate the top from the bottom, just above the ribbon waistband and pinned the lining and outer fabric together.  The side has a zipper that went from the the skirt to the top.  Instead of cutting the zipper, I left it alone on the skirt and used my seam ripper to separate it from the top and then tucked the extra between the skirt and lining sewed it into place with my sewing machine.

It was such a quick fix, I was disappointed I didn't do it sooner!  I wore it with my WHBM shirt tucked in and my coral jewelry that I picked up in Mexico and Colombia.  

I'm loving my new skirt!