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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Furniture Makeover: Margarita Bar

After moving out of my parents house, I 'inherited' some lovely items from family and friends.  Basically got stuck with a bunch of old stuff that they wanted to throw away.  Among those items was this amazing TV stand. 

This beaut is equipped with 360 degree wheels so you can push your TV anywhere in your house with ease.  It also must have had doors on the front at one point. 

At first, I did use this as a TV stand, then it got moved to the basement to be used as a storage shelf.  Recently, I decided to resurrect this hideous piece and turn it into a hip Margarita Bar!

I first slathered on 2 coats of Martha Stewart Precious Metals paint in Copper Kettle.

The wooden box in the upper right corner is my grandmother's silver!

The Cactus Margarita glasses were $1 each from the Dollar Tree.  I got such a great deal, I bought 12!

The tequila set, drink stirs, and bottle opener all came straight from Mexico.  I collected each one from a different place and a different trip.