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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 62

Yesterday I was lucky enough to see Miss New Mexico, Kristen Little, crowned Miss US International.  I was really rooting for Miss Southern States, but here she is, the current title holder!

Growing up as a military brat, Kristen Little was born in Wurzburg, Germany and has since lived in 8 different states and 2 different countries. She is a future honor graduate of Georgia State University where she studies for a Bachelors Degree in Biology.

Thanks Harrison Productions for the invitation!  I had a wonderful time!

Baby Belly or Broccoli Belly?

I have to tell you about my diet.  It is extremely restrictive, but I am never hungry or feeling unsatisfied.  I am not always excited about what I'm eating, but I can get over it. 

In my every day life, I seriously avoid BROCCOLI because of the... ummm affect... it has on my digestive system, if you know what I mean.  That being said, when Jason emailed me my diet plan, I was not enthused about the amount of broccoli on the menu.  However, I reasoned that I don't have any roommates or a boyfriend, so why not just go for it and eat the damn broccoli!  Well, eating broccoli about 5 times a day all week did not go so well. :(  The broccoli affect actually prompted the question, "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"  UMMM YEAH I'm sure!  I just ate broccoli! 

This is obviously not good.  My belly was seriously huge and I was incredibly uncomfortable.  So, I had to figure this out and get my belly back to normal.  In the deflating process, I have learned that the human body is lacking an enzyme to properly digest broccoli, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, onions and many other vegetables.  The only solution is to eat your food along with the enzyme.  HELLO BEANO! 

Beano is the only way to defeat broccoli belly, seriously.  I'm happy to report that the distended situation has been taken care of and I will NEVER eat broccoli or any gassy veggies without Beano ever again! 

This post is probably why I'm single. ;-)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 64 - Pablo Taco Day

I'm having tacos again for lunch today.  I am not feeling too guilty about this since I'll order chicken with onions, cilantro, and lime in a corn tortilla.  Chicken, onions and cilantro are definitely diet appropriate and the tortilla is not terrible since it is corn instead of flour.  I'll be steering clear of any salty chips or sour cream.

I had a great workout yesterday, I am seriously sore.  Plus, I got 2 compliments on those medicine ball pushups!  I must be improving already. 

Tonight, I need to get a good workout, as well as some major studying since I'll be watching these ladies compete on Saturday for the Miss US International title!  Good luck girls!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Jason had me do 15 of these...

I complained about it big time yesterday, but today I am feeling a little sore and a little proud of myself.  Mine did not look ANYTHING like this athlete, but I'll get there! :)

Day 65 - Burning the Candle and Cable Free

Jason could sense that I was lacking in enthusiasm yesterday.  I was disappointed that I wasn't psyched to strength train and I hadn't really realized that I was dragging until he pointed it out.  So, he pushed me and challenged me and encouraged me and I survived.  I tried to explain that it wasn't that I didn't WANT to be there, I was just BURNT OUT.

Here's a breakdown of a typical day:
Work - 8 hours
Gym - 1.5 hours
Class - 3 Hours
Sleep - 8 Hours (8 is a total exaggeration, I'd love to get 8hrs...)

Ok, so it's only 4 things, but this adds up to 20.5 hours.  I have 3 and a half extra hours in the day that I usually fill with taking a shower, cooking, driving, playing with my dogs, watching MasterChef or just laying around. 

On that note, I wouldn't live my life any other way.  I've never lived my life any other way and I can't imagine having daily hours of downtime.  If I DID have some extra time, I would probably sleep more, finish my second bachelors degree (which will happen eventually), or take up a new hobby.  I really do enjoy packing up my schedule like this, but I can't say it doesn't wear me out.  I have a reputation for falling asleep during movies, seriously.  One time I woke up for work with my computer still on my lap (hands on keys).  I slept the ENTIRE night like that!  It bothers me that I rely so heavily on caffeine, but if I didn't I'd be face down on the floor by 7pm. 

So, (grandma) this is why I don't have cable in my home.  I have no idea when this would be used...  It's not that I can't afford cable - believe me - sitting in front of the tube would be MUCH cheaper than 'Body by Jason.'  I guess cable's just not important to me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 66 - Official Contestant!

I have been training and preparing for Miss Michigan for a few months now, even though I didn't know if I would be accepted as an official contestant.  Well, I just got my email confirming that I will compete to be the next Miss Michigan USA 2012

So, since reading my handbook and new contestant information, I've chewed off all my finger nails and have a nervous/excited butterfly feeling looming in the pit of my stomach.  It seems like the pageant is much more of a reality now.  I need to get it together though, I want to have a very composed attitude by September 30th.  I guess I have some work to do.  Meeting with Jason tonight!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 67 - A body at rest wants to stay at rest.

A body in motion wants to stay in motion.  So true last night!  I had a really hard time finding the motivation to get to the gym after the fire incident, work, class, cooking and cleaning.  I finally got out the door and headed to the gym at about 10:45.  I was pretty much just going through the motions of Jason's workout, not really challenging myself.  I was happy that I actually got off the couch to do it though!  So, still not feeling very motivated I just wanted to get out of there and jumped on the treadmill for a quick 8 minute mile...  I suddenly had so much energy and ended up running 2 1/4 miles! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 68 - FIRE!

I was up pretty late last night so I didn't make it to the gym this morning.  Also, I was late for work because there was a FIRE in my garage!  I have my own garage door to my condo, but inside the garage is open and accessible to all the other garages in my building.  The neighbor children decided to lite a pile of charcoal on fire and burn things they found around the garage.  I was obviously upset when I saw this scene - 5 kids between the age 8-2 unsupervised tending a small bon fire in my garage.  I asked to talk to their parents and they told me there was no adult home.  So, I had to call the fire department.  All is well now - thankfully there were no injuries and no damage.

Lots to do tonight - Jason's workout at the gym, cooking food for this week, and loading Don Baker's CD onto my Ipod!

Don Baker is the communication guru and to whom I credit every successful job interview, my college GPA,  my advantageous networking ability, and my method for keeping my cool when faced with the Socratic Method.  If I could pick out the one most beneficial thing from 10 years of pageants, it would be the time I spent working with Don!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 69 - Walk in the Park

I got Jason's workout in this morning as well as 20 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I had to get some studying in this afternoon and Chloe and Chuey would not leave me alone.  So, we took a break and headed to the park for a nice long walk.

Now, just cooking up some food for this week!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 70 - So Much Yellow!

This morning's workout was QUICK!  I ran a fast 8 minute mile (that's pretty fast for me!) with a 2 minute cool down and I was out of there.  I would have liked to put in much more than 10 minutes, but I slept in and I had to get to my meeting with the pageant coach at 1pm.  The only thing that had come in on time for me to show her was the new bikini.  I ordered three different styles and two ended up being HUGE!  (That's not something that happens very often.)  The one style that fit ended up being perfect - very flattering. 

 When I got back home, my front porch was loaded with packages of clothes I had ordered - figures...  So, the next meeting I'm going to have tons of options. all yellow.  The director for Miss Michigan has decided all the girls will wear yellow for swimwear, opening number, and official photo.  Here's what I got!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 71 Bike Ride

No morning workout today because I rode my bike to work!  I don't have any kind of fancy road bike, just the same old mountain bike I had in middle school.  I made it to work in about 30 minutes.

I'll have to hit the gym tonight for Jason's workout plus some good cardio!  Keeping my fingers crossed that I get some of the clothes I ordered in the mail today, I have a pageant coach meeting tomorrow and I don't have anything new to show her :(

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Miss South Carolina America - Bree Boyce

Such an inspirational story about accomplishing your goals!  Bree was 112 pounds overweight and realized she needed to get healthy to accomplish her dreams, one of which is to be the next Miss America!  She just won the title of Miss South Carolina, so she's on her way.  Read her story here.

Camarones del Caribe

I was excited and sooo nervous to work out with Jason again.  He pushed me really hard, which I was thankful for and afraid of!  I learned some new ways to strengthen my core and he showed me how to use the elliptical without bouncing around like a Sorority girl - much more difficult and EFFECTIVE!

I just did cardio this morning because I was expecting to be hurting pretty bad from training last night, but I actually feel great - a little tight but not incredibly sore. 

I'm excited about my meals today - shrimp!  Shrimp is not the BEST alternative to my chicken breasts because they are high in cholesterol, but they are not the worst alternative either.  I seasoned them with Mrs. Dash Caribbean Citrus.  Yum!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Paco Oh No!

Yesterday my entire office staff went to my FAVORITE Lansing Mexican restaurant, Paco's Panderia.  How could I say no?!  So, I ate my brussel sprouts before we left because I knew they wouldn't have any similar veggies on the menu and I ordered two Mexican Chicken Tacos.  So DELICIOUS! 

The rest of my meals yesterday were right on track.  No morning workout today because I'll be hittin' the gym tonight with Jason!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

74 Days to Go

I'm dropping lbs like the Biggest Loser!  I've lost 3 pounds since I met with my trainer last week.  I'm going to work with him again tomorrow.  I'm so excited to be getting into shape!  I have really learned a lot from Jason and I've only trained with him once so far. 

Breakfast was CHOCOLATY steel cut oats!  I mixed in a little flax seed, honey, and a spoonful of Ovaltine.    Brussel sprouts are on the menu for later today. 

I really like brussel sprouts, I just wish I could put salt on them... MRS. DASH to the rescue!  Seriously, I have been putting Mrs. Dash on everything... Here's my lunch (which is also what I'll be having for snack and dinner)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 75

Half of Jason's workout was done this morning plus an easy 10 minute mile and 3 minute cool down.  My steel cut oaks breakfast cooked up over night in my little crock pot set to be ready at 8am.  I added some flavor with cinnamon, honey, and nutmeg.  I also grabbed a Myoplex Lite after the gym.

Squats and lunges after Tax Class tonight while I watch MasterChef and fantasize about the food they are cooking up! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bird Poop or Butter Pecan?

Ok, so my smoothie looked a little like a bowl of bird poop (mom!) but it tasted great! (I swear, I'm making it for you the next time you're over!)  I cooked my chicken and packed up my lunch for tomorrow.  It looks like this...

Is that any better?  Well, that's what my meals are pretty much going to look like for the next two months.  I can spice things up a little with Mrs. Dash because they are SALT FREE!

Day 76

Got a pretty late start to my day today, but I did Jason's workout plus 25 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the elliptical.  So, I decided to treat my self to an awesome smoothie for breakfast.  Not really on my diet, but it's packed with protein so I don't think it did too much damage.  Here are some of the ingredients...

Yes, that's broccoli slaw!  Can't event taste it.  I also added a frozen banana and a little bit of honey.  Sooo GOOD!  It tasted like butter pecan ice cream.  So, I put it in a bowl and ate it with a spoon.  Mmmmmm :)

Yesterday I ordered tons of possible pageant clothes.  I'll be waiting anxiously next to my mailbox.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 77

Theory of a Dead Man at Common Ground was GREAT!  Also, the food I ate wasn't too far away from Jason's diet plan.  However, I don't think he would have approved of the things I drank... Oh well, back to training today.  I did my workout plus 30 minutes on the treadmill.  While I was running, I was watching TLC's Addiction show and guess who was on who just so happens to be on the SAME diet as me..... THIS LADY!

Yup, that's a woman.  Please let me know if I start to resemble her in any way!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 78

I ALMOST didn't get up to workout this morning!  My bed was so cozy but I pulled together some willpower - from I don't know where - and made it to the gym for a quick workout.  Just a mile and a half on the treadmill (walking half of the time) and pull-ups.  I am supposed to do Jason's workout 3 times before we meet again and I haven't done it ONCE yet.  So, I've gotten started.  The pull-ups are the only exercise we did that I can't do at home. 

I got my meal plan and it looks like I'll be boiling a LOT of chicken...  On the plus side, baked sweet potatoes are also on the menu!!

So, on Monday I got a surprise invitation to the Common Ground Music Festival for today.  I'll be in the Sky Box with tons of food and delicious DRINKS!  I'm just guessing, but they probably won't be serving boiled chicken...  I'm going to try my best to stay on track tonight, but I should get a little room to stray, right?

Still on the agenda for today - squats, lunges and push-ups.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Close the Kitchen!

Just met with my coach!  We checked out swimsuits, gowns and interview options.  Also, the swimsuit I have is not going to work out :(  I had a feeling... I ordered it from Victoria's Secret and was super surprised at the MASSIVE amount of padding.  Looking at it online now and I should have know since the description says "instantly adding up to two full cup sizes for maximum cleavage and fullness." 

Looks good on her, looks slightly offensive on me as I don't need any extra padding on top.  I'm not even sure what 2 extra cup sizes would be on me... an F?! 

Also, tonight we worked on my pageant STRUT!  So, I have a list of about 10 little things I need to keep in mind while performing my pageant walk.  This list includes closing the KITCHEN - by kitchen I mean va-jay-jay!  Keeping the legs close together to get a nice feminine wiggle. 

So... I'll be practicing this for the next 30 minutes and then off to bed.

Day 79 - The question is... What's not sore?

This morning started out great with 2 miles on the treadmill, but I am feeling it BIG time from my workout yesterday.  Sore all over but especially my back - OUCH.  Today, I'll get my diet plan from Jason and meet with my pageant coach tonight!  I hope she likes the swimsuit I've picked out... that is the only piece of clothing I have gotten so far for the pageant.  I have lots of shopping to do!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Meeting with Jason

Just got home from my workout and evaluation with my trainer, Jason!  I was so excited to meet him and get started on my winning bikini body.  I had sent him some photos of girls I had competed against in the past (not naming names) who I thought were FIT and he told me that he thought they looked soft - YIKES!  Well, I'm in for some intense training!

Today was mostly an evaluation, but we did squats, lunges, push-ups and pull-ups.  I learned that I have a GREAT military push-up but I need to do them bodybuilder style with my center of gravity over my chest and shoulders.  SO HARD! 

Anyway, meet Jason!

80 Days to Pageant Time

Today I'm meeting with my trainer Jason for the first time!  I am super excited and nervous that he's going to kick my butt!  It's been a pretty good day so far.  Breakfast was steel cut oats with nutmeg, cinnamon and a little honey. 

Also, I wanted to share my new LOVE - Rapid Lash!  It is an eyelash enhancer and it works.  I have used Latisse in the past, which you need a prescription for and it is super expensive.  Rapid Lash is just as effective and you can get it in the cosmetics department at the drug store.  My lashes are almost touching my eyebrows.  AMAZING

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

81 Days to Go

Last night was so busy!  Got to bed at 1 and couldn't get up for an AM workout.  So, I'll be headed to the gym after class. 

Last night's omelet ended up being little more like scrambled egg whites with veggies and a LITTLE cheese.  It was delicious.

Today's diet has gone really well so far.  Lunch was Pad Thai Shrimp with broccoli slaw and crushed Ramen Noodles!  YUM!

The rest of the week is going to be BUSY!  Tomorrow meeting with my trainer, Thursday meeting with my coach, and Friday hitting up a music festival after work (and trying not to  break my diet!)  We'll see how it all goes...

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Beginning - Day 82

There are exactly 82 days until my pageant and it's time for me to get busy!  I have a coach and a trainer lined up to get me pageant ready and I'm ready to work.  That means a low carb diet and sweatin' it out in the gym.  Tonight's menu is an egg white omelet with onions, green pepper and mushroom.  I hope I can come up with some more flavorful options or this is going to be a long 82 days!